Sunday, March 28, 2010

Comments4Teachers 7,8,9

Wordle: Comments4Teachers
For comments4Teachers I was assigned to JFHandley blog and below are the comments that I left for Mrs. Ferguson. I will most likely end up adding her blog to my PLN because she gave great information on the way she teaches in her classroom. She seems like a really great teacher just from reading her blog.

1st Comment4Teacher: 2/26/10

Global Fun and Laughter

Ms. Ferguson,

I really enjoyed reading your post. My name is Katherine and I'm a student at the University of South Alabama where I take EDM 310. You may find out more information on our class blog at: I'm assigned to your blog for the next couple of weeks to complete an assignment. This was a great post. I'm at the beginning of my PLN and have found so many networks that I could add. I really enjoyed reading your post that I may add your blog to my PLN for future ideas. I am looking forward to reading more of your posts.


2nd Comment4Teacher: 3/6/10

Getting a Grade

Hi again!

My name is Katherine and I recently wrote on another post for an assignment for my EDM 310 class. I really enjoyed this post. Giving students the opportunity to express how they feel regarding your teaching is great. At the end of the semester I get to do that for my college professors. I actually have been doing since high school. I enjoy giving my teachers feedback on how they teach. I don’t know if it truly helps, but it does make me feel good because it’s almost as if a huge weight was lifted off of my chest when I got to give feedback. I would like to do that for my students when I become a teacher. I’m studying to be a special education teacher in the elementary school system. Even from them I want to be able to know the exact same questions you asked.

-Katherine P.

3rd Comment4Teacher: 3/28/10

Reflecting on my students

Mrs. Ferguson,

My name is Katherine and I'm a student in Mobile, AL. I really have enjoyed reading your comments about your class and I have learned a lot from your blog. I will continue to keep up with your blog because you have expressed great points in your blog that all teachers should use. I'm happy that you chose to have your students reflect on your teaching. When a teacher can have his/her students tell the teacher what they can do better it helps the teacher to grow and the students know that they are helping that teacher to grow and will feel proud to help. It's also nice to have the students tell you what they don't want to continuously hear from you or others because they have heard so much already. I get to evaluate my professors at the end of the semester and I always look forward to the evaluation. I hope that my professors take time out to grow when they read the comments from their students. Thank you again for having such a great blog and for providing me with all of this great information.

-Katherine P.

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