Saturday, April 3, 2010

12th Post: April 4th, 2010

Dear Kaia: (Click on Title and it will take you to Wm Chamberlain blog post)
Mr. Chamberlain class was commenting Kaia's blog and during their commenting her father was seeing all of the traffic from Mr. Chamberlain class. Kaia's father talked with Mr.Chamberlain's class about how Kaia didn't know how to read so she wouldn't be reading the comments. Mr. Chamberlain came up with a great idea to record his class comments for Kaia so that she would be able to hear the students and see pictures of them. This was beautiful and I smiled the entire time as I was reading and watching the video from Mr. Chamberlain. I went to Kaia's blog and it was so girlie and pretty for a girl her age. I saw the photos that her and her father took. I was amazed and wondered where exactly those pictures were taken. I know in their hometown, but I hope not something they see from their home. It was beautiful how they made something that could look so unattractive look so amazing and beautiful. As a teacher, we have to be able to teach the students that things should be looked at very closely. The ugliest thing could still be embraced as something beautiful. We have to be open minded to everything and help our students to be open minded also. Being open minded and accepting can get a person very far. They are able to learn about different people, backgrounds, and culture by being open minded and accepting.

Intrepid Teacher: Singing Hearts (Click on Title and it will take you to Jabiz blog)

This blog was created by Kaia's father Jabiz. He summarized the event that he experienced with Wm Chamberlain's class and his daughter blog. I enjoyed reading his post about his daughter. Kaia seems like a very smart little 3-4 year old. For a child her age who loves being outdoors to explore nature is great. It's a new learning experience for her so she seems to want to find out about her environment. It's great that her father didn't miss out on Kaia's great experience and got to see the things she was seeing also. That is a great bonding tool between the parents and their children when they are doing something the children have been experiencing.

As far as the technology when putting up a child or student work before you take those steps of exposing the student/child you have to make sure that you have full control over everything. You have to make sure that you know what to do if things get out of hand with the Internet. You should make sure things are private and should express to the child the do's and dont's of the Internet. As a future teacher, I would like to try technology in my classroom and perhaps including a class blog. I like the idea of having a class blog as a starting tool and then deciding later on if I would want to try a blog for every student. I would see how the parents felt first before making the decisions. I would want my students to be open minded and accepting to different people and cultures. They have to learn that every human being is different and come from different places and should accepting to people who are different from them.


This week I was assigned to the Pt. England's Year One-Team One Rock Stars blog. I commented on David's work. He wrote about, Waiting for my turn. He had drawn a picture of a child playing outside on a slide. His teacher uploaded his work for me like she does her other students. It was great to see David's artwork on the class blog. I commented on his artwork and left the comment which is typed below.

Hi David,

My name is Katherine and I'm a college student in Mobile, AL and you did a really good job on your drawing. Also it is a good thing to be patient and wait your your turn for the slide. I loved going down the slide when I was your age. I enjoyed playing at the playground too. Keep up the great work and keep being the great Pt. Englander you can be.

This week once again I was assigned to Leigh Ankersen(Class A) and Steven Diamond(Class D). Leigh Ankersen is on track with her blogs and I was able to leave her a comment. Steven Diamond has not blogged at all and I was not able to leave him a comment.

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