Friday, April 9, 2010

Week 13: April 11 Post

Dr.Seuss- The Zax
This was a interesting video. As I watched this video, all I could think about was how stubborn these two Zax were. They stood there and didn't budge as if time had stopped and nothing was going to change. Which of course in the end it showed that things changed and the people were able to travel all kinds of directions.

There are still teachers right now who can be referred to as a Zax. It's because they don't want to change the way they handle their classroom. They feel that the way they teach their students is working and there is no need to change, but I'm sorry to say that is the wrong to think. As a teacher, you have to be creative and able to think of new ideas on the spot. You shouldn't want your students in 1990 and your students in 2010 to be taught the exact same way with the exact same material.I'm sorry to say, but there are still teachers who have not updated their lesson plans since they started teaching. Switch it up every now and then and if you run out of ideas then, have your students think of some ideas. Children love to be included in things. You can also ask other teachers or look on educational websites for new ideas. Make the classroom exciting and fun for everyone including yourself.

Another PS 22 Video
Question: Why is it important for students to post their work to blogs?
First off let me just say that I enjoyed hearing these outstanding group of students sing. They sounded awesome. I was blown away. I also enjoyed seeing the students feel a connection to the song as they were singing, they were really into it.

The importance of having students post their work could help them learn positive and negative feedback. Having someone other than your teacher point out how great you did on an assignment makes you feel like you are on top of the world. Also if your assignment wasn't so great then the feedback may help you to do better next time. Though sometimes when you know that you didn't put your all into an assignment you may not care to read a negative response.

Since getting the opportunity to read and comment on younger students assignments, I have felt that I'm getting the chance to make someone smile today because I just wrote them a response telling them how I enjoyed reading their post and that they did an awesome job on it.

The picture shown above was drawn by a 5 year old little boy and he was writing about waiting for his turn. It was nice to see his actual drawing included in the post and not just words typed. I gave him total praise for this drawing and encouraged him to continue being a good student.

Ms. Cassidy's first graders
... Also the link shown is of the first graders who use technology in the classroom. They were taught how to post and comment on their blog. They knew a lot about the positives and negatives of commenting. It was great to see them be so aware of how to comment nicely.

The little girl in the picture is Kaia and she loves the outdoors. She is a little adventurer. I enjoyed reading about her story. She has her own blog about her adventures outdoors.

This week I was assigned to the Pt. England Scribes class blog. I commented on the 13th post and it was either a poem or riddle written by Shanika. I thought it was different with this class blog because the students individual pictures were next to their work. I have seen pictures on other class blogs, but I never knew which students were which. I hope that these students are just as safe as other students whose pictures on uploaded to their class blogs. The comment that I left Shanika is written below.

Hi Shanika,

My name is Katherine and I'm a college student in Mobile, Alabama. I enjoyed reading your post. Was that a poem/riddle that you wrote? You did a great job on it. Keep up the great work Shanika!
This week I was assigned to Ryan Buzbee (Class A) blog and Amber Grace (Class D) blog. Ryan has not posted for the April 4th assignment so I was unable to leave him a comment. Amber Grace posted the April 4th assignment and I was able to leave her a comment.


  1. Thanks for taking the time to comment on the Pt England class blogs. I hope that out of this you will understand what a difference you make in an individual child's life by the simple act of stopping and affirming that their learning shared is valuable.
    You queried the safety of the students in pes scribes who have their photos next to their published writing. We have many policies under pinning this to protect the students, but we really question how this could compromise the student's safety. If you know of a case where displaying a child's image next to a piece of school work has lead to an unsafe act then we would be VERY interested to hear about it. The acts of cyber bullying by older children occur in general from students known in the F2F world. And they occur in a different context from what you have seen in pes scribes.
    I suggest that you challenge the current beliefs about students publishing online as you go through this course and explore the context when you come across cases where things have gone wrong.

  2. Katherine,
    I agree that teachers should update their lesson plans every year while incorporating fun things into the classroom. Teachers do need to learn how to become less like the Zaxs. Great job on your post and good luck!

  3. Hey Kathrine!

    This is a great post. I think it helps the younger students when we comment on their stuff. And it helps us when we get feedback from others. Blogs are fun because they are so global and pretty much anyone can see what you post. That's how you build network and community.
